Places in Montserrat

Find information on almost all places in Montserrat. Whether you are looking for information on regions in Montserrat or information on cities and places in Montserrat, this website is the right place in the web to start your search.

Facts and figures about Montserrat at a glance

Montserrat is a dependent political entity of United Kingdom on the continent of North America. Montserrat covers a total area of 102.0 km2 and has a population of approximately 9,341 people.

The capital of Montserrat is Plymouth (Plymouth).

Facts and figures about Montserrat
MontserratMS102.0 km29,341 people91.6

Population density in Montserrat
Population density
91.6 p/km2 (very low)
Very low population density in Montserrat
Montserrat: Very low population density

Compare the facts and figures of Montserrat with other countries in North America.

Map of Montserrat

Map of Montserrat

Hotels in Montserrat

Find your hotel in Montserrat now. Book a hotel for your stay in Montserrat.

Information on Montserrat

Information on Montserrat
NameOfficial nameCodeStatusRegionsCapitalContinent
MontserratMontserratMSDependent political entity (United Kingdom)3 Plymouth PlymouthNorth America

Time in Montserrat

Time in Montserrat
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Tue, 23 Apr 2024 - 4:35pm (16:35h)NoTue, 23 Apr 2024 - 4:35pm (16:35h)UTC -4.0America/Montserrat

Currency in Montserrat

Currency in Montserrat

Languages in Montserrat

Languages in Montserrat

Neighbouring countries of Montserrat

Neighbouring countries of Montserrat
Neighbouring countries

Telecommunication in Montserrat

Telecommunication in Montserrat
International calling codeInternet top level domain (TLD)

Latitude & Longitude of Montserrat

Latitude & Longitude of Montserrat
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map16°45'00.0"N (16.7500000°)62°12'00.0"W (-62.2000000°)

Regions in Montserrat

Regions in Montserrat
There are 3 primary administrative regions in Montserrat. Have a closer look at the regions in Montserrat.

Largest places in Montserrat

There are no places in Montserrat with a population of more than 10,000 people. Have a look at the largest places in Montserrat.

External sources of information on Montserrat

Montserrat on Wikipedia

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If you prefer you can search any place in Montserrat by first letter. Just click on the respective first letter in the index of places in Montserrat. All places in Montserrat starting with this letter will be listed. Also sometimes the full name of a certain place maybe unknown. Then this search option may also be usefull for searching such places in Montserrat.

Follow the hierarchy in Montserrat

You can click your way through the hierarchy starting from the continent North America, over a region in Montserrat to a certain place or city in Montserrat, as all places and cities in Montserrat are linked hierarchically to each other. The actual hierarchy is always displayed in the breadcrumb navigation, so you can always see exactly where you are.